Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Toda empresa que se encuentre en actividad esta conformada por dos elementos esenciales: producto y mercado, durante mucho tiempo las empresas han buscado desarrollar nuevos productos que les permitan obtener atractivos mrgenes de utilidad y los esfuerzos de esta bà ºsqueda generalmente se enfocaban al producto, sin embargo, hoy en dà a la atencià ³n debe ser dirigida principalmente a detectar necesidades latentes en el consumidor, y producir satisfactores que el mercado identifique como soluciones a su necesidad. Charles W. Lamben en su libro Marketing seà ±ala a la miopà a de mercadotecnia como "la definicià ³n de un negocio en tà ©rminos de bienes y servicios, mas que en los beneficios buscados por el consumidor", es decir el negocio tiene como punto de partida al producto y no la necesidad del consumidor. Jerry McCarthy y Phil Kotler propusieron hace ya mas de dos dà ©cadas cuatro elementos base que integraban lo que denominaron mezcla de mercadotecnia o las 4P's -Producto, Precio, Plaza y Promocià ³n- y desde entonces han sido estos los que han marcado la pauta en la planeacià ³n de marketing, sin embargo, con las nuevas tendencias originadas por los grandes cambios a los que nos ha sometido la era de la informacià ³n, la tecnologà a y la competencia, es conveniente recapacitar sobre la situacià ³n actual y las variantes que pudieran aplicarse a las famosas 4P's. Bob Lauterborn director de comunicaciones de mercadotecnia y publicidad corporativa de International Paper Co., hace una propuesta llamada las 4C's en donde propone cambiar el enfoque clsico de McCarthy y Kotler sutituyendo al producto por el consumidor, al precio por el costo, a la plaza por la conveniencia y a la promocià ³n por la comunicacià ³n. El producto por el Consumidor. Lauterborn propone cambiar el enfoque del producto hacia el consumidor, buscar a los consumidores y descubrir sus necesidades; entonces y no antes fabricar el producto a comercializar. ... Free Essays on MIOPà A DE MERCADOTÃâ°CNIA Free Essays on MIOPà A DE MERCADOTÃâ°CNIA Toda empresa que se encuentre en actividad esta conformada por dos elementos esenciales: producto y mercado, durante mucho tiempo las empresas han buscado desarrollar nuevos productos que les permitan obtener atractivos mrgenes de utilidad y los esfuerzos de esta bà ºsqueda generalmente se enfocaban al producto, sin embargo, hoy en dà a la atencià ³n debe ser dirigida principalmente a detectar necesidades latentes en el consumidor, y producir satisfactores que el mercado identifique como soluciones a su necesidad. Charles W. Lamben en su libro Marketing seà ±ala a la miopà a de mercadotecnia como "la definicià ³n de un negocio en tà ©rminos de bienes y servicios, mas que en los beneficios buscados por el consumidor", es decir el negocio tiene como punto de partida al producto y no la necesidad del consumidor. Jerry McCarthy y Phil Kotler propusieron hace ya mas de dos dà ©cadas cuatro elementos base que integraban lo que denominaron mezcla de mercadotecnia o las 4P's -Producto, Precio, Plaza y Promocià ³n- y desde entonces han sido estos los que han marcado la pauta en la planeacià ³n de marketing, sin embargo, con las nuevas tendencias originadas por los grandes cambios a los que nos ha sometido la era de la informacià ³n, la tecnologà a y la competencia, es conveniente recapacitar sobre la situacià ³n actual y las variantes que pudieran aplicarse a las famosas 4P's. Bob Lauterborn director de comunicaciones de mercadotecnia y publicidad corporativa de International Paper Co., hace una propuesta llamada las 4C's en donde propone cambiar el enfoque clsico de McCarthy y Kotler sutituyendo al producto por el consumidor, al precio por el costo, a la plaza por la conveniencia y a la promocià ³n por la comunicacià ³n. El producto por el Consumidor. Lauterborn propone cambiar el enfoque del producto hacia el consumidor, buscar a los consumidores y descubrir sus necesidades; entonces y no antes fabricar el producto a comercializar. ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How To Achieve Your Blog Writing Goals This Year
How To Achieve Your Blog Writing Goals This Year Nearly all bloggers have heard the most blogs fail in three months statistic. Its a boogeyman of a fact if there ever was one. It prevents some from even getting started. It wrings the joy out of writing in a few weeks. And it lets some bloggers walk away with a shrug, assuming they are in good company as they let their blog go dark. You dont have to fail. You can make significant changes to your blog. You can see success whether starting out new or retooling your blog. Follow these tips on achieving your blog writing goals this year. Your New Years Resolution To Blog More Doesnt Have To Fail via @JulieNeidlinger Why Your Blog Will Succeed (But Some Don't) The high failure rate of blogs is truly depressing. It's no wonder that bloggers start the year with big hopes and plans, attempting to offset the inevitable. But, like resolutions or any decision to make a change in life, failure is the dominant feature when considering how many are making the attempt. New Year's resolutions fail because: People make ridiculous, unrealistic goals. People don't mentally prepare themselves to meet the goals and fend off doubt in the meantime. People use guilt, fear, or "bootstrap" resolve to meet goals. People neglect to find supportive people to surround themselves with. So, why are blogs so short-lived? In a survey we conducted, we discovered that 33%à of bloggers spend two hours on a post. Another 25% spend 3 hours on a post. That is a significant time commitment for something, particularly if you're just getting started and aren't seeing the return on that time investment that more established bloggers experience. More #blogging means more time. Meet your blog writing goals, and don't give up.You have to keep writing without any promise of returnà and do this for a while. A few weeks or months in is when most bloggers give up. The lack of return in the face of the amount of work it takes to blog makes shutting down the blog easy. In short: Blogs are hard work. Beà ready for that, and you'll succeed. How To Commit To Your Blog The same techniques that you might use to keep your New Year's resolutions can help your blog, too. As with those resolutions, it's simply a matter of committing to something- in this case, your blog- and approaching these changes with an attitude for success. Your blog doesn't have to fail, but it will if you don't follow this list. 1. Don't Over-Commit When You Start Let's say you aren't much of a runner. If you've never run before, making a resolution to run 10 miles a day starting tomorrow is setting yourself up for failure. When you over-commit at the start, it's easy to hurt yourself and too hard to keep with it. The same can be said for starting a blog. Consistency matters more than frequency, so start small with your blog. Aim for one post a week, and make it a good post. Discover your method for creating a blog post and make it a habit. Get started on your own, and worry about adding membersà and assembling yourà blogging team later. Consistency matters more than frequency forà #blogging. Don't over-commit when you start.Make small goals that you can achieve at the beginning. You need some success under your belt to get the courage and inspiration to up your goals, so succeeding at a few small goals will give you just the right amount of confidence to go forward. Crush your blog writing goals. 2. Start Small Toward A Big Goal, And Have Fewer Goals A better method than starting off with running 10 miles a day? Make that 10 miles a day the big goal, and start by running a mile a day. Then increase it, bit by bit. And have fewer goals to start with. A Stanford University study found that the willpower you have at your disposal is limited. You can only achieve so much before it dwindles and you begin backsliding. So, if you create many blog writing goals to accomplish at the same time, you'll burn through the willpower. Perhaps you'd ultimately like blogging every day, having a highly active presence on social media, and that you want to create an e-book each week. Three goals sounds easy! But they aren't really just three goals. You can't just run 10 miles a day. Just like you can't start #blogging 10 times a week.These are three huge goals made up of many smaller benchmark goals, and you certainly can't do all of that at once. Choose one big goal, and work toward it. Then move on to the next one. Start small. Have just a few goals. Achieve them. Set some more goals. Follow that pattern. 3. Be Specific About Your Blog Writing Goals In the American Journal for Health Promotion, researchers found "the more specific you make your goal, the more likely you are to achieve it." Instead of saying you will "blog more", your goal should be "blog twice a week". Instead of saying you will "use social media better", your goal should be "three Twitter posts a day". You need something specific as your goal so that you know exactly what it takes to get there. Make your goal to blog specific. One post a week may be too much for your #newyearsresolutionVague blog writing goals allow for confusion and leave wiggle room, which allow you to wiggle right out and give up. 4. Put Something That Matters On The Line In the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers discovered that people who were trying to lose weight were more successful if they put money on the line. If thoseà folksà failed to lose weight, they would forfeit the money they set aside prior to beginning their diet. The participants that had money riding on their weight loss actually exceeded the goal, so powerful a motivator was the fear of losing their own money. What if you and your blogging team were to use this idea, and set up a "bank" of things that mattered. Perhaps you have the best location in the office. Put that on the line. If you don't meet your blog writing goals, you forfeit the space. Give up something you love if you miss your #blogging goal.This seems to be a harsh motivator, but some personalities respond quite well to the idea of losing something that has meaning. Find out what motivates you. à 5. Bundle Your Challenges Together Consider the habits you are trying to overcome- and those you're trying toà establish. These are the two battles that are consuming your energy. What if you were to bundle them together so they played off of each other? In a New York Times article about keeping resolutions, the authors suggested an interesting scenario. Let's say you were trying to stop reading trashy novels so much, and you also wanted to work out and exercise more. You could bundle these two goals by allowing yourself to read those novels only while working out. For your blog, make a list of what comes easy to you, and what doesn't. What habits are you trying to break? What habits are you trying to form? Could you bundle them? Let's say you love diving into your feed reader and reading blog posts to get ideas and also love getting involved in the conversations on those posts. Conversely, you hate writing your own posts. You could bundle these by setting up a system where you cannot visit your feeds until you've completed the draft of a post. Combine habits you're overcoming with ones you're trying to establish to #blog more.Again, it's a harsh motivator, but if you're really struggling to find a way to meet blog writing goals, you need to find out what motivates you. This technique might (and it might not) motivate you. Recommended Reading Good Writing Habits of Successful Writers and Bloggers 6. Surround Yourself With People On The Same Path Find others who have a similar goal, or are at least of the same mindset aiming toward improvement. Having the wrong people around you will only make you fail, or add to the burden that you are trying to overcome. A study in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychologyà discovered that the wrong crowd can increase your stress and other negative health factors. If your goal is to increase traffic and see various kinds of measurable successes on your blog, you shouldn't surround yourself with bloggers who are after more ephemeral or abstract blog writing goals. à You cannot really support each other with anything other than an attaboy since any serious advice you might suggest would not align with either party's goals. Surround yourself with positive people who understand your #blogging goals.Additionally, people who are not on the same path sometimes, even unconsciously, attempt to get you to change course. "Oh, traffic doesn't matter. It's more important to have people that are reading instead of lots of hits." That's a fine statement if your goal is to write posts that people finish reading, but it isn't very encouraging if you have a goal that involves a specific number of hits per day. 7. Keep Writing As You Build Momentum Just as over- committing to blog writing goals that are too big sets you up for failure, so will an eye for expectations that are too large. You will likely not have thousands of readers the first week. You have to write and build up a platform, a reputation, and a following. In other words, you have to keep writing even if it feels like no one is reading. Anyone who has ever set up an exercise goal can appreciate how difficult it is to start and to keep going. It takes awhile to get from there to that magical time when exercise starts becoming fun, and when you finally start seeing results. Most of us are motivatedà by results, and when it takes a while to see those results, we get discouraged. I call that time. It can be so easy to quit when you aren't seeing results. And that, unfortunately, is where most new blogs find themselves lodged and are never able to reappear on the other side. Build your own momentum. Find encouragement and reward in the measurable thing that is apparent right now, before those measurable results are seen.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Death penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Death penalty - Research Paper Example In some communities, however, the death penalty among its members was shunned because of the fact that it was forbidden to spill the blood of fellow community members. In such cases, this sentence was often reserved for times of conflict with neighboring communities where captured individuals, especially leaders, were sentenced to death. The continued use of the death penalty to punish a diverse number of crimes in the modern world has come to receive praise and condemnation in equal measure. Those, who advocate for it, argue that it serves as a deterrent to crime, since those who are given the death penalty serve as an example to would-be criminals (Fagan, 2006). Furthermore, they state that there are those individuals, such as murderers, who if sentenced to death, would be good riddance from society. This is because of the fact that they will have been removed from society on a permanent basis, thus ensuring that they are kept from repeating the same crimes that they have committed . They further argue that the death penalty is a just punishment for those individuals who commit such heinous crimes as child murder and serial killing, because these are human beings without a conscience who must be completely removed from society. In addition, they state that the death penalty is completely justified especially when applied to cases where individuals are serial murderers or have committed mass killings; acts which are unforgivable in most human societies in the world (Vollum et al, 2004). It is argued that sentencing such people to death is a means of showing the members of society that such acts cannot be tolerated and that if they are committed, then the lives of the offenders would be forfeit. There are some among those who support the use of the death penalty, who have gone as far as to state that not applying it on people who have committed such crimes as murder and genocide is a miscarriage of justice (Davis, 2002). For them, those who call for the abolitio n of the death penalty are not living in a realistic world, because its abolition is likely to increase the occurrence of terrible crimes in human societies. Furthermore, it is stated that the punishment of a crime must be painful in proportion of the crime committed and this is used to justify the death penalty since leaving murderers alive would be unfair to the families of their victims. The opponents of the death penalty, on the other hand, argue that its application in all manner of cases is a violation of the human rights of the individuals who have committed crimes. They argue that not all of those who are sentenced have a desire to commit murder and that in fact, there are many who only commit murder in self-defense since to do otherwise would have meant their own deaths (Rogoff, 2008). Another argument that they give is that the application of the death penalty is discriminative since most of those people who are sentenced tend to come from minority groups which do not have the resources to get the best representation in the courts (Lynch and Haney, 2000). They state that the use of the death penalty is an act of violence and that its continued use encourages the propagation of a culture of violence within the human society.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Health Econimics and Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Health Econimics and Policy - Essay Example ining both the advantages and disadvantages of the NHS will lead to a better understanding of the NHS and it may lead to possible ideas for improvement of the NHS. I will begin my discussion of the NHS with its advantages, including its purpose and some of the things that are free. Then consequences of the NHS will be explained, including long waiting times, unfair payments, some parts of health care not being included for free, problems getting enough funding, and perceived similarity to communism. Finally, based on these consequences, some potential solutions will be described. To begin with positive aspects of the NHS, one of the biggest advantages has to do with the reason this organisation was created. The point of the NHS is to give health care to everyone in England, whether they are rich or poor. (Wikipedia, 2008 from NHS website). Instead of health care being a luxury for people with money, the NHS considers it a necessity and a human right. One of the good things about the NHS is that general practitioner visits are free even though some people think they should not be. People need to get referrals from general practitioners to see specialists. ââ¬Å"It has been argued that a nominal charge for an appointment with a GP could be introduced to prevent patients consulting their GP with minor real or imaginary complaints.â⬠(Wikipedia, 2008). If general practitioner visits were not free, though, many people who did not know how much they really needed to go might put their health at risk by skipping the visit to save money. This is a case where it is better to be safe than sorry. Another advantage of the NHS is that it does not require more money from people choosing to do things that make them have more health problems. Some people think that they should not have to help pay for the costs of a smoker who gets lung cancer because that person chose to smoke. (Rodgers, 2003). I am glad that smokers and other people do not have to pay more because
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The reaction between zinc and copper sulphate Essay Example for Free
The reaction between zinc and copper sulphate Essay I am going to investigate the reaction between Zinc and Copper Sulphate. Method The reaction will be exothermic; so that means heat will be given out. I will have to see the temperature difference between each amount of Zinc and store the results onto a graph. The equation for this reaction is: Zinc + Copper Sulphate Zinc Sulphate + Copper. Copper Sulphate is a blue solution, which is toxic, and the Zinc steals the Sulphate (like a bully taking sweats from someone) and that leaves Copper as a solid form. This reaction occurs because Zinc is higher up the table in the reactivity series; I know this because I referred to the textbook. Prediction My prediction is that I think that the Zinc will react quite quickly with the Copper Sulphate. It will make the temperature rise and turn into a colourless solution; the temperature will rise by about 20i. There will be no things to make the test unfair, I will make sure the same cup is used each time, the amount of Copper Sulphate stays the same (40 ml) and the amount of Zinc is correct each time. Safety For safety during the experiment I will make sure that I will wear goggles so I have eye protection. I will make sure the solution does not get poured down the sink because it kills bacteria that the sewage workers produce. Also I will make sure the laboratory rules are followed accurately. Results table Mass of Zinc Number of moler ratio Temperature Temperature Temperature Moles of Zinc At the start At the end Increase Analysis Ive analysed my results and the shape of the graph is steadily inclining except for the one anomalous result. The result depended on four things the temperature, catalyst, concentration and size of particles. The temperature was slowly rising until the zinc stopped reacting. The catalyst (zinc) made the reaction happen easier so the activation was lowered. The anomalous result had a few explanations for why it was lower than the others. Conclusion I have learned that the experiment was exothermic and the rate of reaction with zinc and copper sulphate. Also that zinc it higher in the reactivity series than copper thats why there was a reaction otherwise there would not have been no reaction at all. The zinc acted as a catalyst in the reaction by speeding up the reaction so it was less activation. Evaluation The method I used in this experiment was displacement, were the copper sulphate and zinc reacted to produce zinc sulphate plus copper, so the more reactive metal (zinc) displaced the less reactive one (copper). During the experiment I have found out that the experiment I carried out was similar to my prediction that made except for one anomalous result. The average temperature raise was 19. 5 and my prediction was 20. It probably would have been higher if the anomalous result was higher that 13. The only reasons for the anomalous result was either because I didnt let the temperature drop from the previous experiment or I didnt let it go to its maximum temperature before ending the experiment. So my prediction was nearly all correct except one result that made the average lower and the line of best fit on the graph decrease. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Outsourcing Inmates :: Globalization essays, research papers
Outsourcing Inmates is a Bad Move Governor Greg Benson wants to outsource the states medium security prisoners. Outsourcing would mean send inmates in the states prisons out of state to serve their prison sentence. We would be sending these inmates who arenââ¬â¢t just a number; they are fathers, sons, and grandchildren to prisons in states such as Texas or Georgia. He says this will help with over crowding and will save New Hampshire tax payers money. Shipping inmates out of state will hurt the communityââ¬â¢s of New Hampshire, it wonââ¬â¢t save much money, and is a bad idea. à à à à à About 70 protesters, calling them selves Families of New Hampshire Inmates, gathered outside the statehouse on March 15, 2004. The prison staff and families of inmates are concerned about Governor Bensonââ¬â¢s plan to ship inmates out of state, which will also send jobs out of state (Inmate). Charlene Newman, a Massachusetts resident, insists it is irresponsible to make budget cuts to the Department of Corrections; it puts a strain on public safety. ââ¬Å"If they send our families away, they are just warehousing them,â⬠Newman said. ââ¬Å"They are going to send them back to this community not reformed, and our communities are going to be unsafeâ⬠(qtd in Inmates). Another protester was Portsmouthââ¬â¢s mayor Evelyn Sirrell. Her son is in the state prison on a kidnapping sentence. ââ¬Å"To sit in that room and watch the children, the wives, and the grandparents visit their loved ones is very warming,â⬠Sirrell said. ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ve been t aking my 8-year old grandson to visit his father regularly, and his face just lights right up. To snatch that away just isnââ¬â¢t right. Iââ¬â¢ll fight this, and fight it and keep on fighting itâ⬠(qtd in Manning). ââ¬Å"Thereââ¬â¢s still a feeling that they are a throw-away society. But everybody makes mistakes, and we should give these inmates a chance to bounce back,â⬠Sirrell said. ââ¬Å"Separating them from there families will make it that much harder for themâ⬠(qtd in Manning). David Michaud, an inmate at Concord state prison, said the governorââ¬â¢s proposal is causing ââ¬Å"anxietyâ⬠and ââ¬Å"uncertaintyâ⬠among the inmates. (CCA) The Executive Councilor of NH, Peter Spaulding, doesnââ¬â¢t agree with Benson either. He notes the Governor didnââ¬â¢t even consult with the council or legislators before enouncing his plan. ââ¬Å"To me it doesnââ¬â¢t make a lot of sense. Nobody went to the legislature or the council, and there wasnââ¬â¢t even much consultation with corrections officials from what I can tell,â⬠Spaulding said.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Poetry Walt Whitman I Hear America Singing Essay
In I Hear America Singing Walt Whitman paid tribute to the workers of America. Whitman included every worker that he could think of, including the women and the girls who stayed home and do house chores. Whitman pictured them as happy and contented people who put dignity and respect in labor. In the poem the worker carried the physical burden of his work with a light heart that made him sing. In the first line, the entire country was euphoric and they sang different songs in unison. Whitman used varied carols to describe the emotion of America. Carols were usually sang on Christmas seasons when people were upbeat and matched perfectly the celebratory mood of the holidays. In the poem the Americans did not sing ordinary songs but those like carols which were mostly cheery and bouncy. He started off with the mechanic whose song he characterized with strength and blitheness. The carpenter lay down the plank and put up the beam. His job was physically demanding but he still managed to sing. The mason looked forward to another day of work and he sang along the way. Anything that we are eager to face everyday as something that gives us pleasure is reason enough for us to sing out our feelings, which was exactly the case of the mason in the poem. The boatman sang out the things he needed for his boat was a novel way of doing his job of checking the tools of his trade. The deckhand sang from the deck where he can see the vast expanse of the sea. This was how he gave in to his feelings of exhilaration, freedom and joy. Creativity flows from the shoemaker and the hatter as they each went about their routine work. Whether sitting down or standing up they were at their most comfortable that singing came naturally easy for them. In the woods and in the farms, the song came from the cutter and the farmer as they labored from sunlight to sundown. Their task can be back-breaking but by singing they lightened their burden and provided themselves respite especially at midday. The women who did the cooking, sewing and washing also sang to cast away their boredom and in its place welcomed the gladness in doing their domestic chores for their love ones. Walt Whitman spoke of lightness of feelings, despite the demands of work. He used contrasts in the poem. He associated work with heavy and song with light. He made an attempt and succeeded in uniting or putting the contrasts together by making the worker sing. The worker sang not to please an audience but he sang for himself. Singing did many things to the workers: sustained the jolly mood of the mechanic, lightened the load of the carpenter, opened the exciting day of the mason, puts novelty in the boatmanââ¬â¢s job, let the thrill in to the deckhand, fed creativity in the routine for the shoemaker and the hatter, provided a restful break for the woodcutter and the farmer, and took the boredom away and inspired the women in their home chores. Walt Whitman used free verse in I Hear America Singing as well as imagery of men with different occupations giving in to the urge and lightness of feeling to want to burst into a song. With free verse he was able to compose a picture of uncontained happiness of a man in doing his job. Free verse was suggestive that work was not a bondage to the man but the source of his joy. Whitman made an unrestrained enumeration of workers who sing as they work, giving the readers an impression that there were many of them with similar attitudes and feelings towards their work. In the title, it was not the workers he heard singing, but the whole country of America. Again, with the free verse, his scope was not limited to those he enumerates. He collectively hears everyone in America. The working man is America, whatever his occupation may be. He gives tribute to the workers, he gives tribute to America.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Last Sacrifice Chapter Twenty-seven
I WOULD HAVE GAPED IF I were there, both from the shock of seeing Sydney and at the sight of a human on Court grounds. Humans, actually, because there were two others with her, a man and a woman. The man was young, only a little older than Sydney, with deep brown hair and eyes. The woman was older and wore the tough, seasoned look I associated with Alberta. This woman was dark-skinned, but I could still see the golden tattoo she and the other humans had. All Alchemists. And it was obvious these Alchemists were not happy. That older woman was putting on a good show, but her darting eyes made it clear she wanted to be somewhereââ¬â anywhereââ¬âelse. Sydney and the guy didn't hide their fear at all. Sydney might have gotten used to me and Dimitri, but she and her associates had just walked into a den of evil, as far as they were probably concerned. The Alchemists weren't alone in their discomfort. As soon as they'd entered, the guardians no longer regarded Eddie as the room's threat. Their eyes were all on the humans, scrutinizing them as though they were Strigoi. My friends seemed more curious than afraid. Lissa and I had lived among humans, but Christian and Adrian had had very little exposure, other than feeders. Seeing the Alchemists on ââ¬Å"our turf' added an extra element of intrigue. I was certainly astonished to see Sydney there so quickly. Or was it quickly? Hours had passed since we'd escaped Jill's house. Not enough time to drive to Court but certainly enough to fly. Sydney hadn't changed clothes since I'd last seen her, and there were shadows under her eyes. I had a feeling she'd been grilled to no end since her capture. The mystery was, why bring the Alchemists here to the meeting about Eddie killing the unknown Moroi? There were two completely different issues at stake. Lissa was thinking the same thing. ââ¬Å"Who are these guys?' she asked, although she had a pretty good idea who Sydney was. She'd heard enough description from me. Sydney gave Lissa a once-over, and I suspected she had guessed Lissa's identity as well. ââ¬Å"Alchemists,' said Hans gruffly. ââ¬Å"You know what that means?' Lissa and my friends nodded. ââ¬Å"What do they have to do with Eddie and that guy who attacked me?' she asked. ââ¬Å"Maybe something. Maybe nothing.' Hans shrugged. ââ¬Å"But I know there's something strange going on, something you're all involved in, and I need to figure out what. She'ââ¬â Hans pointed at Sydneyââ¬âââ¬Ëwas with Hathaway in Detroit, and I still have trouble believing none of you know anything about it.' Adrian crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, the perfect picture of indifference. ââ¬Å"Keep believing that, but I don't know any of these people. Don't Alchemists hate us? Why are they here?' Adrian, ironically, was the only one of my friends who knew I hadn't been in West Virginia, but you'd never tell from his demeanor. ââ¬Å"Because we have an escaped murderess to deal with and needed to question her accomplice in person,' was Hans's crisp response. A denial of my guilt was on Lissa's lips, but the older Alchemist jumped in first. ââ¬Å"You have no proof that Miss Sage was an ââ¬Å"accomplice' to your criminal. And I still think it's ridiculous that you wouldn't let us do our own questioning and leave it at that.' ââ¬Å"In any other situation, we would, Miss Stanton,' replied Hans. Ice was forming between the two of them. ââ¬Å"But this one, as you can imagine, is a bit more serious than most. Our queen was murdered.' Tension ramped up even more between the guardians and the Alchemists. Their working relationship was not a happy one, I realized. It also occurred to me that even if Sydney's superiors thought she'd committed some crime, they would never admit as much to my peopleââ¬âwhich meant Hans's paranoia wasn't entirely unfounded. When none of the Alchemists responded, Hans seemed to read this as approval to begin interrogating Sydney. ââ¬Å"Do you know these three?' He gestured to my friends, and Sydney shook her head. ââ¬Å"Ever communicated with them?' ââ¬Å"No.' He paused, as though hoping she'd change her answer. She didn't. ââ¬Å"Then how did you get involved with Hathaway?' She studied him intently, fear in her brown eyes. I wasn't sure if it was because of him exactly. Really, she had a lot of things to be nervous about right now, like being here at all and the eventual punishment the Alchemists would dole out. Then, of course, there was Abe. Technically, he was the reason she had gotten ensnared in this mess. All she had to do was tell on him, say he'd blackmailed her. It'd get her off the hookââ¬âbut incur his wrath. Sydney swallowed and forced a defiant look. ââ¬Å"I met Rose in Siberia.' ââ¬Å"Yes, yes,' said Hans. ââ¬Å"But how did you end up helping her escape here?' ââ¬Å"I had nothing to do with her escaping this place!' said Sydney. It was a half-truth, I supposed. ââ¬Å"She contacted me a few days ago and asked for help to get to a house near Detroit. She claimed she was innocent and that this would help prove it.' ââ¬Å"The Alchemists knew by then she was a fugitive,' pointed out Hans. ââ¬Å"Everyone had orders to look out for her. You could have turned her in.' ââ¬Å"When I first met Rose, she didn't seem like the murdering typeââ¬âI mean, aside from killing Strigoi. Which isn't murder at all, really.' Sydney threw in a little Alchemist disdain. It was a nice touch. ââ¬Å"So, when she said she was innocent and could prove it, I decided to help her. I gave her a ride.' ââ¬Å"We already asked her about this,' Stanton said irritably. ââ¬Å"And we already told you that we did. What she did was foolishââ¬âa naive lapse in judgment. It's something for us to deal with, not you. You worry about your murdering fiend.' Her words were light, like they were going to take Sydney home and chastise a naughty child. I doubted it would be that simple. ââ¬Å"Who were the people with her?' asked Hans, ignoring Stanton. Sydney's contempt grew. ââ¬Å"One was that guy â⬠¦ Dimitri Belikov. The one you think was ââ¬Å"cured.' I don't know who the others were. Two guys and a woman. They never introduced us.' It was a well-done lie, her faked disgust about Dimitri masking her knowledge of the rest of our associates. Lissa leaned forward eagerly, speaking just before Hans could. ââ¬Å"What was in Detroit? How was Rose going to clear herself? Especially with Jill?' Hans didn't look happy about the interruption, but I knew he had to be curious about Jill and Detroit as well. He said nothing, perhaps hoping someone might slip and reveal a key piece of knowledge. Sydney, however, continued playing distant and cold. ââ¬Å"I have no idea. That Jill girl didn't seem to know either. Rose just said we had to get to her, so I helped her.' ââ¬Å"Blindly?' asked Hans. ââ¬Å"You really expect me to believe that you just trusted her like that?' ââ¬Å"She's myââ¬âââ¬Ë Sydney bit her lip on what I suspected was ââ¬Å"friend.' She turned her professional mode back on. ââ¬Å"There was something believable about her, and I figured it'd be a waste of resources if the Alchemists had been helping you hunt the wrong murderer. If I decided she was guilty, I could always turn her in. And I thought â⬠¦ I thought if I was the one who solved this, I'd get the credit and a promotion.' That was a good, good lie. An ambitious girl trying to improve her career on the sly? Very good. Well, not to everyone. Hans shook his head. ââ¬Å"I don't believe any of you.' The guy Alchemist took a step forward that made every guardian tense to jump him. ââ¬Å"If she says that's the way it happened, then that's the way it happened.' He had the same fierceness and mistrust that Stanton had, but there seemed to be more. A sort of protectiveness toward Sydney that was as personal as professional. Lissa picked up on it too. ââ¬Å"Easy, Ian,' said Stanton, still keeping her eyes on Hans. Her composure reminded me more and more of Alberta. She couldn't be at ease with a roomful of guardians but wasn't showing it. ââ¬Å"It doesn't matter if you believe her or not. The point remains: Miss Sage answered your questions. We're finished.' ââ¬Å"Do Jill's parents know anything?' asked Lissa. She was still in shock at all of these developmentsââ¬ânot to mention worried about me being out of my safe mountain townââ¬â but this mysterious shot at clearing my name was powerful. She couldn't let it go. Sydney turned to Lissa, and I could practically read the Alchemist's thoughts. She knew how close Lissa and I were and would have liked to give Lissa some sort of comfort. There was no way, though, that Sydney could do that with these people in the room. She also had to be aware of the fact that I myself hadn't told Lissa anything about Jill. ââ¬Å"No,' said Sydney. ââ¬Å"We just went there, and Rose said Jill had to come with her. The Mastranos don't know why. And thenââ¬âand then Rose did take her. Or Jill went with her. I'm not sure what happened. It all turned to chaos.' Neither the Alchemists nor guardians disputed me taking Jill, which made me think it was a story they'd gottenââ¬âand acceptedââ¬âfrom both Jill's parents and Sydney. It had just enough truth to be plausibleââ¬âand explain Jill's disappearance. It didn't mention the Dragomir secret, however, which Emily was probably more than happy to keep quiet for now. ââ¬Å"There,' said Stanton. ââ¬Å"This is exactly what we told you before. We need to leave now.' She turned toward the door, but guardians blocked the way. ââ¬Å"Impossible,' said Hans. ââ¬Å"This is a serious matter, and Miss Sage is the only link we have to a murderââ¬âa royal murder. And a kidnapping.' Stanton scoffed, and I remembered Sydney once saying the Alchemists thought the Moroi royalty system was silly. ââ¬Å"She doesn't seem to be of much more use to you. But don't worryââ¬âwe'll be holding her. Contact us if you have more questions.' ââ¬Å"Unacceptable,' said Hans. ââ¬Å"She stays here.' Ian, the other Alchemist, joined the argument, moving protectively in front of Sydney. ââ¬Å"We're not leaving one of our own here!' Again, I had that funny feeling about him. A crush, that was it. He had a crush on her and was treating this as more than just business. Stanton gave him a look that said she would handle this matter. He fell silent. ââ¬Å"You can all stay here, then,' said Hans. ââ¬Å"Makes no difference to me. We'll get you rooms.' ââ¬Å"That is unacceptable.' From there, she and Hans got into a raging argument. I didn't think it would come to blows, but the other guardians had closed in slightly as a precaution. Ian's eyes darted between Stanton and Sydney, but he didn't get into the fray. Once, his gaze passed over the table Hans leaned against, and Ian suddenly did a double take at the photograph. It was only a brief pause, a slight widening of the eyes â⬠¦ but Lissa caught it. She took a step toward Ian and Sydney. One of the guardians glanced at the movement, deemed Lissa safe, and returned to watching Stanton. ââ¬Å"You know him,' Lissa murmured, keeping her voice below the shouts. In fact, it was a little too low because she got blank looks from Sydney and Ian. Their ears couldn't hear what a Moroi or dhampir could have. Lissa glanced uneasily around, not wanting to attract attention. She raised her volume slightly. ââ¬Å"You know him. The guy in the picture.' Ian stared at Lissa, a bit of wonder and wariness on his face. He undoubtedly bore that same standoffish attitude toward vampires, but her words had caught him off guard. And, even if she was an evil creature of the night, she was a very pretty one. ââ¬Å"Ian,' said Sydney softly. ââ¬Å"What is it?' There was a note of urging in her voice, one that inadvertently played upon his crush, I think. He opened his mouth to speak, but then, the ââ¬Å"conversation' among the others wrapped up. Sydney again became the center of attention, and Ian turned away from Lissa. The compromise Stanton and Hans had reached was exactly thatââ¬âa compromise. Neither was happy with it. There was a small town less than forty-five minutes away from Court, and the Alchemists would stay thereââ¬âwith several guardians on hand. It sounded like a house arrest to me, and Stanton's expression seemed to agree. I think she only consented because it was a human town. Before he'd let everyone go, Hans questioned my friends a final time, his eyes studying every face carefully. ââ¬Å"And none of youââ¬ânone of youââ¬âknow this Alchemist girl or have been in contact with her? Or know about her involvement with Hathaway?' Again, Lissa and the others denied it, and again, Hans had no choice but to grudgingly accept the responses. Everyone moved toward the door, but Hans wouldn't let Eddie leave. ââ¬Å"Not you, Castile. You're staying here until other matters are settled.' Lissa gasped. ââ¬Å"What? But heââ¬âââ¬Ë ââ¬Å"Don't worry about it,' said Eddie with a small smile. ââ¬Å"Everything'll be okay. Just look after yourself.' Lissa hesitated, despite Christian tugging her arm to go. Although all accounts said Eddie had defended Lissa's life, he'd still killed a Moroi. That wouldn't be taken lightly. The guardians had to be 100 percent convinced he'd had no other choice before they'd release him. Seeing the strong, calm look on his face, Lissa knew he was prepared to handle whatever came. ââ¬Å"Thank you,' she said, walking past him. ââ¬Å"Thank you for saving me.' His answer was a slight nod, and Lissa stepped into the hallwayââ¬âto find herself in more chaos. ââ¬Å"Where are they? I insist onââ¬âah.' My friends and the Alchemists had been heading toward the exit while a group of guardians escorted them. Meanwhile, someone had entered the hall and was now being stopped and challenged by the guardians. It was Abe. He took in every piece of the bizarre scenario in less than a heartbeat, his eyes passing over Sydney and the Alchemists as though he'd never seen them before. Through Lissa's eyes, I saw Sydney blanch, but nobody else noticed. Abe smiled at Lissa and sidled up to walk out with her. ââ¬Å"There you are. They want you for the last monarch test.' ââ¬Å"And they sent you?' asked Christian skeptically. ââ¬Å"Well, I volunteered,' replied Abe. ââ¬Å"I'd heard there was some, er, excitement. Murder, fanatical religious humans, interrogations. All things I'm interested in, you know.' Lissa rolled her eyes but said nothing until the whole group emerged from the building. The Alchemists and their unwelcome escort went one way while Lissa and our friends went the other. Lissa longed to glance at Sydney and Ianââ¬âI did tooââ¬âbut knew it was best to keep moving forward and follow Abe's lead, particularly since some of those guardians were watching more than just the Alchemists. As soon as Lissa's group was far enough away from the authorities, Abe's amiable smile vanished, and he turned on my friends. ââ¬Å"What the hell happened? I've heard all sorts of crazy stories. Someone said you were dead.' ââ¬Å"Nearly,' said Lissa. She told him about the attack, expressing her fear over Eddie. ââ¬Å"He'll be fine,' said Abe dismissively. ââ¬Å"They have nothing to hold him on. The worst he'll get is a mark on his record.' Lissa was relieved by Abe's easy assurance, but I still felt guilty. Thanks to me, Eddie's record was already marred. His sterling reputation was declining on a daily basis. ââ¬Å"That was Sydney Sage,' said Lissa. ââ¬Å"I thought they were all in West Virginia. Why isn't she with Rose?' ââ¬Å"That,' said Abe darkly, ââ¬Å"is an excellent question.' ââ¬Å"Because they were apparently kidnapping Jill Mastrano in Detroit,' said Christian. ââ¬Å"Which is weird. But not the craziest thing I can think of Rose doing.' I appreciated the support. Abe got a recap of this new development too, at least as much as my friends knew of itââ¬âwhich was only a fraction of the whole story. Abe picked up immediately that he'd been played, and it was obvious from his angry expression that he didn't like being kept in the dark. Welcome to the club, old man, I thought with small satisfaction. I hadn't forgotten how no one had filled me in on the escape plan. My smugness was short-lived because I was worried about what would happen to Sydney, now that Abe was on to her. ââ¬Å"That girl was lying to me,' he growled. ââ¬Å"Every day, all these reports about how quiet and boring it was in West Virginia. I wonder if they even made it to that town. I have to go talk to her.' ââ¬Å"Good luck,' said Adrian, pulling a cigarette out and lighting it. Apparently, in my absence, the dating contract he'd jokingly made up that said he would ââ¬Å"cut back' on his vices didn't apply. ââ¬Å"I don't think her cronies or the guardians are going to let you near her.' ââ¬Å"Oh, I'll get to her,' said Abe. ââ¬Å"She's got a lot of answers. If she hid them from those other idiots, then good for her. But she's going to tell me.' A sudden thought sparked into Lissa's mind. ââ¬Å"You have to talk to Ian. That guy with the Alchemists. He knows the man in the pictureââ¬âer, I mean, the guy Eddie killed.' ââ¬Å"You're certain?' asked Abe. ââ¬Å"Yes,' said Adrian, surprising them all. ââ¬Å"Ian definitely had a reaction. He's also got a crush on that Sydney girl.' ââ¬Å"I saw that too,' said Lissa. ââ¬Å"She seems kind of uptight.' Adrian frowned. ââ¬Å"But maybe their kind go for that.' ââ¬Å"That crush might actually be useful,' mused Abe. ââ¬Å"You women don't know the power you wield. Have you seen that guardian your aunt's dating? Ethan Moore?' ââ¬Å"Yes,' groaned Christian. ââ¬Å"Don't remind me.' ââ¬Å"Tasha is pretty hot, though,' noted Adrian. ââ¬Å"That is not cool,' said Christian. ââ¬Å"Don't get so huffy,' said Abe. ââ¬Å"Ethan's a palace guard. He was there the night of the murderââ¬âwhich could be very useful to us if she can keep him interested.' Christian shook his head. ââ¬Å"Those guards already testified. It won't matter. Ethan's told what he knows.' ââ¬Å"I'm not so sure,' said Abe. ââ¬Å"There are always things that occur off the official record, and I'm positive the guards were all debriefed with strict orders on what to reveal and not to reveal. Your aunt might be charming enough to find out something for us.' Abe sighed, still looking very unhappy at the sudden upsetting of his orderly plans. ââ¬Å"If only Sydney had been charming enough to talk her way out of that interrogation so that I could go interrogate her. Now I've got to break through those Alchemists and the guardians to get to her and figure out where Rose is. Oh, and you do actually have to go to your test, princess.' ââ¬Å"I thought that was just a line you used to find me,' Lissa said. ââ¬Å"No, they want you.' He gave her directions to the test. It was in the building she'd had the second test in. ââ¬Å"All of you go together and then get a guardian to walk you back. Don't leave your room until Janine or Tad come by.' Tad was one of Abe's henchmen. ââ¬Å"No more surprise attacks.' Lissa wanted to argue that she most certainly wasn't going to put herself under house arrest but decided it was best to just let Abe go for now. He hurried off, still radiating agitation, and she and the guys turned toward the testing site. ââ¬Å"Boy, is he pissed,' said Adrian. ââ¬Å"Do you blame him?' asked Christian. ââ¬Å"He just lost membership in the evil mastermind club. His brilliant plan fell apart, and now his daughter's missing when he thought she was somewhere safe.' Adrian stayed pointedly silent. ââ¬Å"I hope she's okay,' sighed Lissa, a knot forming in her stomach. ââ¬Å"And what in the world does Jill have to do with any of this?' Nobody had an answer for that one. When they reached the testing site, Lissa found a situation almost identical to before. Lots of spectators lining the hall. Guardians blocking the door. More people than ever were cheering her name as she approached, some who were ââ¬Å"common' Moroi and others who were royals whose candidates were out of the running. A number of nominees hadn't passed the fear test, so those families had switched their loyalties. Again, Lissa was ushered into the room alone. Her heart began to pound when she saw the same old woman. Were more terrible images to come? Lissa couldn't see the chalice, but that was no guarantee of safety. There was no extra chair, so Lissa simply stood in front of the old woman. ââ¬Å"Hello,' Lissa said respectfully. ââ¬Å"It's nice to see you again.' The woman grinned, showing those missing teeth. ââ¬Å"I doubt that, but you say it very convincingly. You have politics in your blood.' ââ¬Å"Thank â⬠¦ you â⬠¦' said Lissa, unsure if she'd been complimented or not. ââ¬Å"What would you like me to do for this test?' ââ¬Å"Just listen. That's all. It's an easy one.' A twinkle in the woman's eye made Lissa think this would not be easy. ââ¬Å"All you have to do is answer a question for me. Answer correctly, and you're through to the vote. And won't that be entertaining.' The old woman seemed to say those last words more to herself than Lissa. ââ¬Å"Okay,' said Lissa uneasily. ââ¬Å"I'm ready.' The woman sized Lissa up and seemed to like what she saw. ââ¬Å"Here it is then: What must a queen possess in order to truly rule her people?' Lissa's mind went blank for a moment, and then a jumble of words popped into her head. Integrity? Wisdom? Sanity? ââ¬Å"No, no, don't answer,' said the old woman, watching Lissa carefully. ââ¬Å"Not yet. You have until tomorrow, at this same time, to think about it. Come back with the right answer, and you'll have passed the trials. And â⬠¦' She winked. ââ¬Å"It goes without saying you won't talk to anyone about this.' Lissa nodded, rubbing the small tattooed spot on her arm. She'd get no help with the answer from anyone else. Lissa left the room, turning the question over and over in her mind. There were too many answers to a question like that, she thought. Any of them couldââ¬â Movement in my reality instantly snapped me out of her head. I half expected Sonya to come bursting into our tent, but no, that wasn't what had caught my attention. It was a much smaller motion â⬠¦ and something infinitely more powerful. Dimitri was in my arms.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Mind My Karaoke â⬠Music Business Plan Essays
Mind My Karaoke ââ¬â Music Business Plan Essays Mind My Karaoke ââ¬â Music Business Plan Paper Mind My Karaoke ââ¬â Music Business Plan Paper Executive sum-up Karaoke is a Free Web based Application Software for personal computer. Smart phones and tablets. it is Initially Designer for the Indian Music Industry where people are Interested in societal Networking and interacting with each other through assorted Mediums. Karaoke will look near to Social networking. with a Fresh and New construct of people doing their ain karaoke version of their favourite latest vocals from All Different languages all over India and portion it With their friends and Well wishers. utilizing it as an Recreational medium. With Increasing and Incredible Piracy rate in India Karaoke will assist The record Companies. Artists and the Consumers every bit good. A Web based Application Software. where sharing Karaoke vocals and Interacting with friends is new and easy to accommodate and interesting every bit good. The Karaoke offers up to day of the month Original karaoke paths with good quality and voice modulating options for the recreational vocalist who use it as a diversion and Fun. The karaoke itself acts as an Social Networking Medium where it meets Facebook. Twitter and Sound Cloud which are one of the Top rated Social mediums in this coevals to do it more Interesting. Business Idea The Increasing Piracy rate in India. particularly in the Music Industry where 95 % of the Music Downloaded in India is claimed to be Illegal ( RIAA study ââ¬â 2010 ) . India when Compared to the Other Countries unhappily remains in the top five. with a High buccaneering rate in the Film Industry. The Film Industry suffered loss of ? 450 476 000 ( INR 4000 00 00 000 ) due to Video and Audio buccaneering. There is drastic increasing degree of music buccaneering through Online and Offline twelvemonth by twelvemonth. where there is no mark of diminishing buccaneering rate. The Indian Film Industry is a turning Industry where the Numberss is on addition. India is the Largest manufacturer of movies harmonizing to the BBC study 2009. In 2009 India Produced 2961 movies on celluloid includes 1288 characteristic Films. The are more than 10 subdivisions in the Indian Film Industry which contains more than 10 linguistic communications of Films. i. e. Hindi. Tamil. Kannada. Malayalam. Telugu. Assamese. Bengali. Gujarati. Konkani. Marathi. Punjabi. Sindhi and many more. where each province has an alone Language of their ain. Minimum of 100 Movies each from the linguistic communications of Tamil. Telugu. Hindi. Malayalam and Kannada release in Cinema theaters every twelvemonth. 95 % of the Movies has Songs which is a typical feature of the Indian Film Industry. Each Movie releases a Music Album from the Movie itself incorporating a Minimum of 4 Paths which helps the growing of this merchandise. The Main advantage of KARAOKE is the increasing figure of people who use societal Networking and Applications for Recreations. Fun and remaining in Touch with Friends. India ranks Third in the World for Social Networking users. In India now it has become a Manner that people Express their Emotions in Public through Social Networking Thus karaoke would be an Entertaining application for them. The karaoke besides offers the Original versions of the Songs for Download at cheaper Monetary value where the Customer can purchase it after Listening to the prevue of the Songs. As the Application Software is designed for Mul ti platform it can be used in Smartphones and Tablets every bit good This makes the Application Portable and Fun to utilize it Wherever we are. The KARAOKE has an Unique Feature of Auto Voice tuning Option. where it helps to cut off Background and Ambience noises doing it easy for the Users and it besides Helps the Amateur Singers to Tune their Voice for Better Quality and Fun. It provides assorted Features likes gives a opportunity to Listen to the Original path for a Limited figure of times before Buying are entering the Karaoke Version. in each purchase of a Karaoke Track it offers a Free online Lyrics Script for that Song. where people can even alter the wordss as good. non it any manner of offering the Composer. Artist or the Record Labels. The KARAOKE has a new Approach towards the Music Industry where it Helps to Reduce Music Piracy in India. Where people can Buy the vocals Merely which they like at cheaper monetary value alternatively of Buying the Whole Album. KARAOKE soles the Purpose of Interest of the Consumers from All over India who likes Songs and likes to Sing vocals. This merchandise will Catch the Kids and Youngsters every bit good. Peoples in In India are connected to Internet and Social networking most of the Time. About 620 330 040 Facebook Users prevail in India Ranking the Third Highest Facebook Users state in the World. So Publishing and Sharing the Product through Facebook would assist and which would besides Prefer the Facebook. The Karaoke has a Separate Webpage which acts like an Social networking Website where people can wish and notice on others Karaoke vocals. give an Unique name for their Karaoke vocal and portion them on Facebook. chirrup and Sound cloud. Though KARAOKE is Unique in its ain Kind with different Approach towards Karaoke. There are Six Prevailing Competitors for KARAOKE Rivals 1. Meraghana. com 2. Redkaraoke. com 3. Taranaa. com 4. Desikaraokedownload. com 5. Karaokehindi. com 6. Latestbollywoodkaraoke. com SWOT analysis Strength ââ¬â new invention towards karaoke ââ¬â works both as societal networking and helps music industry from Piracy every bit good ââ¬â low cost ââ¬â latest vocals ââ¬â sharing with friends ââ¬â can be operated through Mobile Phone and Tablets every bit Well. |Weaknesses ââ¬â original karaoke versions released can be pirated ââ¬â vocals Piquing the Composer and Record labels can be made ââ¬â thought can non be copyrighted | Opportunities ââ¬â low cost options for individual vocals alternatively of purchasing the whole album ââ¬â listen to the vocals for limited figure of times before the Download. |Threats ââ¬â bing and new competition can originate with similar merchandises ââ¬â cost of Web hosting and server infinite in Rise | 3. Background The Team Consists of Members with Knowledge of Music Industry in India. Music Engineers. Application and Server Maintainers. Software Developers. Me therefore holding rather a Good cognition about the Indian Music Industry and prosecuting Audio Production Course geting Knowledge in Both Artistic and Technical facets and holding cognition about the Karaoke Music Interests in India will work out the Purpose. Recognizing the Piracy menace and Detailed research how buccaneering affects the Indian Music Industry helps to convey up this Business Plan. For Additional aid and proficient Assistance People will be recruited in Future of the Business if Needed. The Team shall be Expanded in Future of the Merchandise when it goes Global when it is introduced in Other Countries. shall incur Help from the Countries Respectively for Further Assistance. 4. Ownership The Ownership of this Merchandise this Project would Belong to the Creator of this Product and the Financier of this Undertaking in 15 % and 85 % severally in the Net income Margin. where the Creator would be Developing the Merchandise with Different Ideas and new Inventions doing it Interesting for the Consumers. where the Record labels would hold Partnership with the Composers and Artists for Making the Karaoke Version. which is Simple with the Same Original Track without the Vocal musics and the Record Label will hold Royalty and Copyright Agreement with the Composer and Artists of the Songs. 5. Company Structure The Company Structure includes the Team and the Space for Suiting the Server and Technical Support. Though This will be an Free Application Software the Investors Play a Critical function and they Handle the Artists and Composers sing the Royalties for each vocal that is sold through the KARAOKE. 6. Team Once the Merchandise is Developed by the Developers for introduced in the Market. it needs Technicians for Trouble shot and farther proficient aid during the First 3 Months of the Product Launch where the Developers will be responsible for Screening it out harmonizing to the Agreement they Have with the Company. Software will be Further Developed and maintained depending upon the Increase in figure of Consumers. 5. THE Merchandise The Product KARAOKE is a web based Application Software for Pc. Mobile phones and Tablets. KARAOKE is an Application Software which acts like an Social Networking web where Consumers From India can Sing and do their Favorite Karaoke Songs from All Different Languages in India. The Cardinal Feature of this Product is Consumers have entree to utilize Up to day of the month Latest Karaoke vocals from more than 10 Different Languages in India. The Product is Economic when compared to the other Karaoke Web downloads in India. where Peoples can listen and take their Karaoke vocals before purchasing it. and they can Buy individual original versions of the Song they like instead purchasing the whole Album. KARAOKE has assorted Facilities where people can sing and pull strings their voice to do it better or Hilarious harmonizing to their wish. with Assorted Vocal Auto Tune Option. When They buy a Song from KARAOKE. they can sing the Original Lyrics where they would be given a free online Free Lyrics book for that vocal or they can do their Own Lyrics within the Footings and conditions. Where any Vulgarity or in offense to jurisprudence shall be instantly removed from the Web. Once they are Done with Recording the Song. they can Upload it merely one time through the Application. But they can maintain their Downloaded Karaoke version With them. Consumers will hold all entree to Training and Trials on the web page. When they Uploaded a Song. they can Upload it with different entering once more and so they have to purchase the Track once more for Uploading and they canââ¬â¢t Claim Copyright for their Lyrics or the Tracks. Any Unlawful Act by the Consumers will be taken to Account where they can go on utilizing the Product. When Peoples report Spams or any other Disrespectful to one another. the vocal shall be removed with farther Notice. KARAOKE allows the consumers to wish and notice on Others vocals and can Rate on others Songs. consumers can Upload their Songs on Facebook. Twitter. Sound cloud and on the Same KARAOKE web page every bit good. As KARAOKE web page Acts of the Apostless as a Social Networking web. consumers can call their Own vocals with the name they like and give a Description or Story For that vocals. Where they can show the memories of the vocals and Emotions through words. In The Initial Stage of the Karaoke From the Launch of the merchandise till it gets Familiar with the people. they get a Beneficial Package when they Invite people to the Product. they get free Songs and can do their free vocal and Share it. which helps the Product as a Promotion. KARAOKE is speedy to Access even on Mobile phones and Tablets where they all need is Internet and the Product. KARAOKE will be Introduced as Free Subscription Application Software. Where People acquire a Free Songs from latest and Up to day of the month vocals on the Web. which helps them to cognize about the Product and acquire Familiar with and they are allowed to Share the vocal. They following Benefit they Get is. As they Invite Peoples to the KARAOKE they get a Free Songs After Inviting 20 people as they Join they KARAOKE which makes it More Interesting for them and Which could assist them more to cognize about the merchandise. Where these Beneficial Schemes helps the Productââ¬â¢s Promotion and Marketing and makes it Familiar to the Younger coevals who are Active on Social Networking. KARAOKE will Act as a Fun and Recreational Element. KARAOKE will besides sell Original Versions of Up to Date vocals at Cheaper monetary value. which helps The Indian Music Industry to Fight Against Piracy. There are More than Hundred Websites which Offers illegal Download. which the Government wants to close down but the Numberss are still on addition and this Product would assist Fighting Against Piracy. Subsequently After doing the Merchandise Familiar the Product can be Redesigned to establish in different Countries. KARAOKE after a Steady success. will hold a Dealership will Mobile Networking Companies. because in India Many people use a installation called company Tune where people naming one another would listen to their Favorite vocal alternatively of the normal ring. where KARAOKE would offer that they can utilize their ain karaoke vocal which they made as their Caller Tune. this would do the Consumers more Interesting where they ever in a hunt of Something New. 6. Selling Plan Having cognition of Indian Music Industry and being cognizant of the High Piracy rate in India and the Attitude of the Indian Consumers who are Keen on seeking something which is new to the market and which helps to Interact with one another. friends and Family. This Would assist them as an Diversion and to remain in touch with each other in an Alone manner like of all time earlier. So we understand that people need something new which would assist them Forget Illegal Download and do them purchase Original paths and karaoke versions and do this as an amusement more interesting which already prevails but non rather popular. Here Kotlerââ¬â¢s 4Ps of Marketing Help to Address a selling Strategy ( laid-back 2009 ) . Merchandise The Consumers want to Try something new when Merchandises like this Launches in the Market. They are connected to Social Networking most of the clip to remain in touch with One another. As Peoples in India are Music Lovers and Movie Lovers every bit good they would wish to seek this merchandise every bit good. KARAOKE is a merriment Filled Entertainment and Recreational solution for the People who Love music and love to do Music where they can buy Original paths. This Merchandise will hold a strong connexion with the Amateur vocalists chiefly. as they want to sing vocals and do it sound good merely where they are. and to portion it with friends. this will assist them to achieve what they need. KARAOKE is a simple and effectual Application in which they can do their vocal wherever they are. all they need is a personal computer or Mobile phone or tablet with internet connexion. Karaoke provides more Interesting options which would do it User friendly. Topographic point As KARAOKE is a Free Version Application Software. they can Directly Download it from the Web page or through Online Application stares of their Mobile phones and Tablets. After Downloading the Application. when they need to Buy Karaoke Songs and Original Songs. they can Buy it with their Recognition Card games and Debit Cards. which the Webpage would give proper Guidance. Another Important point of sale will be through Advertisement links on Facebook. chirrup and Sound Cloud. where people can fall in and buy the vocals on spell. No direct hard currency dealing would take topographic point. everything would travel through secured on-line debit and Credit card payment. Monetary value The Product is Very Cheap and Economic when compared to its Competitor although this is a new Innovation and unique of its Kind. The Application Software would be Absolutely Free with free Ascents as good. When KARAOKE is compared to it market rivals it is economic. where the viing web sites offer monthly and Annual bundle of ?15 and more. which are higher than the KARAOKE. where merely few Web sites offer individual vocal download which is Much more expensive than our Merchandise. To do it comfy for the Consumers KARAOKE offers individual vocals downloads at cheaper monetary value where if people are non likely interested any longer they donââ¬â¢t have to lose their money. KARAOKE offers Original Songs and Karaoke Version at the same Cost where each of them would be charged ?0. 11 ( INR = 10 ) which is the most inexpensive and sensible cost for a Path in the Indian Market. Where as iTunes sells each vocal at a cost of ?0. 14 ( INR = 12 ) . iTunes when compared to KARAOKE. it is moderately cheaper. As the this would be an attractive and inexpensive monetary value for the Consumers of the Indian Market. As the Competing Websites Offers Annual Packages. most of the Websites doesnââ¬â¢t Offer Latest vocals. which is more likely to be a draw back for their ain luck. where they are more like Coercing to Consumers to buy the Monthly or Annual Package. where as KARAOKE doesnââ¬â¢t gives the Consumers the Whole freedom where they can take what they would wish to Buy and Use. Promotion The Product will be Promoted in a Number of ways to Target the Younger coevals. These people Chiefly Include from the Age group of 16 ââ¬â 35. where the Other Age Group Promotion would besides take topographic point. As the First Step of Promotion. The Application Software will be given as a Free Download where Peoples can research and understand about the Product. The Following measure would be that Each and Everyone who had joined the KARAOKE would be given a Free Karaoke Song of their ain pick which is Present on the Web. where people will now be allowed to see the Product and portion it with their Friends and acquire a good cognition about the Product. The following measure of publicity would be with Regional Celebrities from Different linguistic communications. will be making a karaoke version of a celebrated vocal and will be out on the Web and societal networking sites and their fan Pages. where it will be shared for publicity. this will assist the Product acquire popular. The Following Step would be. when people invite more than 20 people and as the invited people articulation. the Invite would acquire a free Song once more. This will increase the figure of users of the merchandise and makes it Quite popular among the Childs. Now KARAOKE would hold Enough users and they would get down wishing the merchandise as they Would get down Buying the vocals. Facebook. chirrup and Sound Cloud would play an Important Role in Promoting the Product as people make their Karaoke Song and portion it with their Friends Online. Ads on Social networking sites would take topographic point. As KARAOKE has new merriment filled Features like Auto Voice melody. Amusing effects. it is rather easy to acquire familiar and effectual with childs and Childs. Subsequently on After acquiring steady market and Consumers. KARAOKE will hold coaction withe Mobile Network Companies to utilize their ain vocals of the Consumers as their Caller Tunes. where we would acquire paid by the Mobile Network companies and they would be bear downing from the Consumers. As Each and Every hebdomad in India more than 2 Music Albums are released so people will be more Curious about doing new karaoke vocals and this will add up to their Entertainment. 7. Gross saless AND DISTRIBUTION Primary gross revenues would be through the Official Web page and Application shops of the Mobile Phones and Tablets. where Ads about new vocals and trades would be Published and shared through Social networking and the Followings in them. Ads about the release of new Albums and updates about Upcoming Songs would be done through the Official Webpage and Social networking. As Karaoke Acts as an Social Networking site it solves the Purpose. This would take quality clip to Get popular and effectual in the Market as this Involves people from Different provinces and Different Languages from India. As the Celebrity Advertisements would assist in Promoting the merchandise will assist the gross revenues of the merchandise in a period of Time. Distribution will be Done in the Web page and in Social Networking sites every bit good through Ads and information. where the Followers would acquire Up to day of the month informationââ¬â¢s. Distribution will partially be done by the consumers every bit good as they do their vocal and portion it with others. which would be good for both the Consumers and the manufacturers. After a figure of people had acquired and history with KARAOKE. the following measure for the company would be upgrading the merchandise to do it functional for a big figure of people and doing it user-friendly after having feedback from the Consumers. 8. Rivals KARAOKE faces Competition in two Different ways. thought KARAOKE is a whole new different merchandise from their rivals. One manner of Competition would be through Existing Websites which are available for Karaoke vocals Downloads. The other manner of Competition would be through the Duplication of the Product and buccaneering of the Paths released through KARAOKE. There are Six chief viing web sites. which shall be stated below and compared with KARAOKE. 1. meraghana. com: which offers a Subscription Plan for $ 4. 95 ( INR = 270. 67. ? = 3. 05 ) a Month and $ 49. 95 ( INR = 2731. 27. ? = 30. 76 ) a twelvemonth for limitless use. The cost of this Product is really High for the Consumers as meraghana. com has really fer consumers. which doesnââ¬â¢t offer any new Songs and dressed ores on a Single linguistic communication from India and it does non offer any free add-ons like the Lyrics book and Movie Informationââ¬â¢s. 2. Redkaraoke. com Which Offers a Subscription program for $ 2. 99 ( INR = 163. 49. ? = 1. 84 ) a Day. $ 6. 99 ( INR = 382. 21. ? = 4. 30 ) a Month and $ 39. 99 ( INR = 2186. 65. ? = 24. 63 ) a Year. where there rates are excessively high even for a individual twenty-four hours subscription and they do non offer any new vocals or sharing installations and there is no attention deficit disorder on to the Product as much. 3. Taranaa. com Which Offers a Annual Subscription for $ 20 ( INR = 1093. 60. ? = 12. 32 ) a twelvemonth. They do non offer any monthly Subscription or individual vocal Download options was KARAOKE does and they do non Offer any new vocals which disappoints the Consumers. and they do non offer different linguistic communications. 4. Desikaraokedownload. com it is a free karaoke vocals downloading Website. though it is illegal Downloads its Quite Popular where people can download the karaoke vocals and record it individually on their ain devices. where as the web site does non bring forth any installations for entering and Sharing the paths. As it is an illegal download there is no proper quality of the paths. 5. Karaokehindi. com Where Each Track Cost $ 5 ( INR = 273. 40. ? = 3. 08 ) which makes it excessively expensive for the consumers when compared to the other viing web sites. and they do non offer any monthly or annual subscriptions as the other web sites do. They offer merely old vocals and non the Latest paths which could catch the childs attending. 6. Latestbollywoodkaraoke. com This Website Offers up to day of the month karaoke paths. including the Latest releases for Free. but it is illegal Download where the vocals are non Copyrighted at all. The Tracks which they offer are manipulated hapless Quality paths. Though they provide latest vocals the do non supply any recording installations or sharing installations. SWOT analysis for KARAOKE when compared to its Rivals Strengths ââ¬â Can be used in Mobile phones and Tablets excessively. which makes it Portable. ââ¬â Easy to Use and an Interesting piece of Entertainment. ââ¬â Sharing Facilities on Social Networking web sites. ââ¬â new invention towards Karaoke because it is alone in its Own sort. |Weaknesses ââ¬â duplicate of the merchandise ââ¬â Piracy of Tracks which are released through KARAOKE ââ¬â hazardous promotional Tactics. giving free paths ab initio for publicity where the Competitors donââ¬â¢t. ââ¬â Heavy investing needed. | Opportunities ââ¬â As it is Interesting for the Childs to utilize ââ¬â support from music composers and record labels to advance the Merchandise ââ¬â it is a free Application Software. which acts like a societal networking ââ¬â immature coevalss involvement in music and doing music. |Threats ââ¬â new clients exchanging to Similar Forthcoming merchandises. ââ¬â people should afford to pass money for purchasing vocals and Karaoke Tracks. ââ¬â monetary value / characteristic war with rivals ââ¬â composers can officially let go of karaoke versions themselves. which would impact them the most once more | As the SWOT Analysis emcing the Competitors shows that KARAOKE offers a better trade and new interesting Elementss which would achieve success in market with the Younger coevalss Interest on it. Though it has its ain failings and menaces. by more offers and Ads and Development of the Product will assist the merchandise to stand up in the Market. KARAOKE is Unique in its ain sort as mentioned earlier and there is no similar merchandise this. though it has rivals. The viing web site are expensive and does non offer any New paths Usually which would do lose involvement among the Youngsters. who seek latest updates. even when few Web sites offer they are Illegal downloads with Poor Quality. KARAOKE would move as a Social Networking piece. which would affect the Younger coevals to pass Quality clip on it. this will give back the senses to the consumers where they get used to Buying vocals and Karaoke paths for minimum monetary value instead downloading it illicitly. The Strength of the Product lies in support from the Composers. Artist and the Record labels. as this is a new Innovation where people would wish to Invest and do money in return and this would pay the Royalty for the Artist and composer every bit good. By analysis the features of the rivals has been revealed where they are expensive and drawbacks in different signifiers. this would give back life to the karaoke involved Entertainment. 9. Customers The First set of Target Customers are the Younger Generation between the Age of 16 ââ¬â 35 who are prone users of Social Networking like Facebook and chirrup. where the people who are interested in seeking new Merchandises. that makes them happy and Interactive. Thus KARAOKE would function as a medium for their Social interaction through karaoke paths and their vocalizing abilities. The following set of Target Customers will be from all age group who are Music lovers and who love to Sing. even if they are recreational vocalists. so this Merchandise will make justness to users from School pupils to working Professionals. This Merchandise will be good to the Aged people who are interested in singing supplications vocals and other spiritual vocals by themselves. Peoples From Different provinces of India would Buy and seek out Other Language paths in which they are Familiar and interested to prosecute. there are few Consumers who would cognize more than one linguistic communication and are interested in all linguistic communication vocals. this merchandise will assist to work out their demands. As there are Consumers from Different parts of India where each one has different involvement towards karaoke and Social Networking every bit good. this would assist to widen the market. As Peoples outside India are interested In Indian Songs and Indian Karaoke Tracks. they would even buy their likes from this Merchandise and this will assist in widening the market of the Product Internationally and Developing the Merchandise. India ranks 3rd in the usage of Social Networking Websites. There are 62 713 650 Facebook users as per the statistics record which has been taken late. where 48 % users are from the Age group 18 ââ¬â 24 and 27 per centum users from the Age Group 25 ââ¬â 34. which contains the bulk of more than 75 % below the age group of 35 which shows a figure around 47 035 238. Where most of the Childs will be Music lovers and interested in doing karaoke vocals Songs when something new is projected. even when merely 2 % of the people are interested from the age group 18 -35. there would be about 311 650 consumers for this merchandise. So this will be a certain figure where people will be interested in utilizing the Product which is Absolutely good for a new Merchandise during it launch. 10. Budget Initially the Business squad garlic necessitate a Time period of Six months for Developing the Software and Trouble hiting them. to do it perfect during the launch of the Product. it may take a month supernumerary for Fine tuning the merchandise for better Outcome. The Initial Investment for the First Six months including Software developing and assorted disbursals instead than Software Development will be ?12000 ( INR = 10. 68. 000 ) and ?4000 ( INR 3. 56. 000 ) severally. After finishing the Product and after rectifying the Products errors. the Product will be ready for it Launch. After the launch we need farther investings for Promotion and increasing figure of users. After the Launch. The fresherââ¬â¢s who are new to the Product will be Given a Free vocal of their ain pick. where it is approximately calculated with the figure of consumers estimated above. which would be about ?35 016 ( INR 31. 16. 500 ) where it is a whooping investing. after they invite Twenty more people to the Web and as they join the web application. the Invite would be Giver and extra free vocal where the figures are calculated at the upper limit and the maximal disbursal would be ?35 016 once more. The estimated Profit Margin will get down after One twelvemonth of the merchandise launch as it a new investing. where as if the Product is successful shortly and has many consumers. they get back the initial in Six Months clip. Ads for the Products will be ?3000 which can be compensated with the money the merchandise earns through Ads about films and music Album on the Official web page. As the Product gets households the advertizements gross for the Product will besides Increase. the estimation net income Margin on the sec on twelvemonth will be 30 % ensuing in a net net income of ?60. 000. 11. INITIAL INVESTMENT An estimated Initial Investment of ?16000 + ?73 032 in six month interval severally. a Sum of ?89032 will be needed for the Product. Which would include the Web development and Server direction cost including a amount of ?12000 and ?4000 for the Miscellaneous disbursals. this would cover all the disbursals including the labour charges and transit. Where ? 3000 from the whole Budget will be allocated for the Celebrity Advertisements and advertizements through other mediums. Free Ads of Facebook and chirrup would non incur any charges where they are reciprocally good. The projection is that at least 2 % of the entire societal Networking circle start utilizing the Product which will be about 311 650 consumers Using the Product. In the First Three Months 25 % from the merchandise consumers. which will hold 77912 consumers will purchase at least One vocal at a lower limit rate which would lend the gross at ? 8735. in the following Three months which Six months all together will hold 50 % of the consumer purchasing at least One vocal which would give another ? 8735. and the merchandise will be gaining through Ads of the web page which will lend a lower limit of ?3000 in the first six months which will bit by bit increase. Thus the Initial investing demands are explained. 12. Barriers Internal Barriers The Internal Barriers which could originate is. Effective investings from the Investors with Confidence to Bring up a Good Quality Product and the Time for Testing the Product and problem shot may take much clip as predicted to be. It could take Six to nine months for Marketing the Product through publicity and do the Product Familiar with the Consumers. This my be due to unanticipated Fortunes such as unwellness. occupation resettlement. etc. External Barriers Ageless Barriers would originate by the Lack of Potential Investors. who can get by up with the Development of the merchandise. Finding a Good Software development and waiter direction squad could besides be a barrier. Technical barriers like the velocity and effectivity of the merchandise in nomadic phones and Tablets could originate. Ads should make the consumers good before the merchandise is launched. Effective Competitors
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Overview of Aquatic Biomes
Overview of Aquatic Biomes The aquatic biome includes the habitats around the world that are dominated by water- from tropical reefs to brackish mangroves, to Arctic lakes. The aquatic biome is the largest of all the worlds biomes- it occupies about 75 percent of the Earths surface area. The aquatic biome provides a vast array of habitats that, in turn, support a staggering diversity of species. The first life on our planet evolved in ancient waters about 3.5 billion years ago. Although the particular aquatic habitat in which life evolved remains unknown, scientists have suggested some possible locations- these include shallow tidal pools, hot springs, and deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Aquatic habitats are three-dimensional environments that can be divided into distinct zones based on characteristics such as depth, tidal flow, temperature, and proximity to landmasses. Additionally, aquatic biomes can be divided into two main groups based on the salinity of their water- these include freshwater habitats and marine habitats. Another factor that influences the composition of aquatic habitats is the degree to which light penetrates the water. The zone in which light penetrates sufficiently to support photosynthesis is known as the photic zone. The zone in which too little light penetrates to support photosynthesis is known as the aphotic (or profundal) zone. The various aquatic habitats of the world support a diverse assortment of wildlife including virtually many different groups of animals including fishes, invertebrates, amphibians, mammals, reptiles, and birds. Some groups- such as echinoderms, cnidarians, and fishes- are entirely aquatic, with no terrestrial members of these groups. Key Characteristics The following are the key characteristics of the aquatic biome: largest of all the worlds biomesdominated by waterlife first evolved in the aquatic biomea three-dimensional environment that exhibits distinct zones of communitiesocean temperatures and currents play a key role in worlds climate Classification The aquatic biome is classified within the following habitat hierarchy: Freshwater habitats: Freshwater habitats are aquatic habitats with low salt concentrations (below one percent). Freshwater habitats are further classified into moving (lotic) bodies of water and standing (lentic) bodies of water. Moving bodies of water include rivers and streams; standing bodies of water include lakes, ponds, and inland wetlands. Freshwater habitats are influenced by the soils of surrounding areas, the pattern and speed of water flow, and local climate.Marine habitats: Marine habitats are aquatic habitats with high salt concentrations (more than one percent). Marine habitats include seas, coral reefs, and oceans. There are also habitats where freshwater mixes with saltwater. In these places, youll find mangroves, salt marshes, and mud flats. Marine habitats often consist of five zones including the intertidal, neritic, oceanic pelagic, abyssal, and benthic zones. Animals of the Aquatic Biome Some of the animals that inhabit the aquatic biome include: Anemonefish (Amphiprion): Anemonefish is marine fish that live amongst the tentacles of anemones. Anemonefish has a layer of mucus that prevents them from getting stung by the anemones. But other fishes (including those that are predators to anemonefish) are susceptible to the anemone stings. The anemonefish is thus protected by the anemones. In return, anemonefish chases away fishes that eat anemones.Pharaoh cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonic): Pharaoh cuttlefish are cephalopods that inhabit coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific ocean and the Red Sea. Pharaoh cuttlefish have eight arms and two long tentacles. They have no external shell but do have an internal shell or cuttlebone.Staghorn coral (Acropora): Staghorn corals are a group of corals that includes about 400 species. Members of this group inhabit coral reefs around the world. Staghorn corals are fast-growing reef-building corals that form a variety of colony shapes (including clumps, branches, antler-like, and plate-like structures).Dwa rf seahorse (Hippocampus zoster are): The dwarf seahorse is a tiny species of seahorse that measures less than an inch in length. Dwarf seahorses live in the seagrass beds in the Gulf of Mexico and in the waters around the Florida Keys, Bahamas, and Bermuda. They use their long tails to hold onto blades of seagrass as they graze on tiny plankton that drifts by in the current. Great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias): Great white sharks are large predatory fishes that grow to about 15 feet in length. They are skilled hunters that have several hundred serrated, triangular teeth that grow in rows in their mouth. Great white sharks inhabit warm coastal waters throughout the world.Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta): The loggerhead sea turtle is a marine turtle whose range includes the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and the Indian Ocean. Loggerhead turtles are an endangered species whose decline is largely attributed to their becoming entangled in fishing gear. Loggerhead sea turtles spend the majority of their life at sea, venturing on land only to lay their eggs.Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus): The blue whale is the largest living animal. Blue whales are baleen whales, a group of marine mammals that have a set of baleen plates in their mouth that enable them to filter tiny plankton prey from the water.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Maritime Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Maritime Logistics - Essay Example Maritime logistics industry itself is going through a very subtle but important change which will make it critical for the leading industry players to prepare them strategically in such a manner that can allow them to develop sustainable and progressive businesses in largely volatile business environment. Our target company which emerged from being a small player to one of the key international player only because of the management of the most important key drivers in such a manner that it allowed to develop its strengths and potential to dominate the market. The fact that company has been able to withstand the pressures of the current financial crisis itself is one of the ample proofs of how a successful company can actually sustain the external pressures and develop its internal strengths to achieve the success. Some of the issues that have been discussed in part 1 of this report focused on the understanding of the basic characteristics of the industry as well as to study and understand as to how the company has been working over the period of time and what are some of the risk factors that can contribute towards increasing the overall risk of the investment opportunity. As such there is a need to have a broader understanding of the factors identified in part 1 of this report so that a comprehensive and to the point understanding of the critical success factors can be developed for making better and more informed decisions. Our target company is also one of the firms which has been able to successfully withstand the economic pressures because of the fact that it has strategically developed itself to a point where it is relatively more stable and resilient against the changes in economic conditions. The target firm therefore is one of such firms which will contribute positively towards value creation if all the risk factors and critical issues are factored in accordingly. Some of the issues that have been discussed in
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